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Get a glimpse into the future with ‘The World Ahead 2023’, featuring contributions from Oyindamola Lami Adeyemi, Executive Chair of our gold sponsor Still Earth Holdings.

Following the pandemic, the Nigerian economy has experienced a robust recovery, driven by restored business and consumer confidence. Still Earth Holdings oversees a varied portfolio of companies spanning the construction and real estate, oil and gas, and finance sectors.

Nigeria is dominating the African landscape sector, and if we consider what homegrown telecommunications companies have already achieved, there is immense potential in the digital economy Our 200 million+ youthful populace speaks to the potential for demand across sectors and the opportunity for entrepreneurs. ” OYINDAMOLA LAMI ADEYEMI Executive Chair, Still Earth Holdings

#ctproductionsco #TheWorldAhead2023 #TWA2023 #business #construction #realestate #finance #economy #oilandgas


We are thrilled to be releasing the Economist’s The World Ahead 2023 publication under exclusive license in two weeks.

These thought-provoking and enlightening articles are sure to captivate readers, and we can’t wait for you to experience them! Here’s a little snippet of what’s to come!

Stay tuned for more updates on our exciting journey ahead!

#ctproductionsco #createthepower #theworldahead