The world consumes, on average, nearly 400 million metric tons of plastic annually, with only 9% of that being recycled. Greenhope realized there was a problem and made it their mission to be part of the solution. The Indonesian-based company made it their goal to shift plastic production and consumption to more sustainable solutions. After years of technology and research, Greenhope invented renewable, locally sourced technologies to combat plastic pollution through their biodegradable additives and Ecoplas and Naturloop solutions from cassava starch commonly found in Southeast Asia.

By utilizing these materials, biodegradability ranges from 3 months to 2 years, leading Greenhope to develop the 4 R’s; reduce, reuse, recycle, and return to Earth. In addition to their innovative eco-friendly technologies, Greenhope works with brands and companies globally to create easily adaptable green solutions that can be replicated. The founders of the company have realized that to solve Earth’s issues related to plastic, we must collaborate together to redesign the future through sustainable plastic solutions.

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