FOCUS on Nigeria 2021:
Nigeria’s Hope Horizon
Getting back on the growth trajectory
Back in 2000, the Economist featured an article titled “Hopeless Africa”. From floods to mass murder, wars to natural disasters, it was a very bleak summary of the potential of the continent. By 2011 it was “Africa rising” subtitled “after decades of slow grovth. Africa has a real chance to follow in the footsteps of Asia” and then in 2013 “Aspiring Africa” as “pride in Africa’s achievements should be coupled with the determination to make even faster progress”. By 2019 the headline was “the new scramble for Africa” which observed that “the extent of foreign engagement is unprecedented”. People have many expectations of this region and hope should remain the dominant feeling.
In “Hope Horizon”, with the help of the people that know best and that lead developments, we explain why Nigeria, the fastest growing miracle in Africa can show us the way ahead…